divendres, 9 d’octubre del 2020

It’s English time!

Hi Everyone!

This month, in English class, the P3 children have been learning a lot with Teacher Mariona.

At the beginning of the class we always start with Daily Routines:  first of all we sing and dance “the good morning song”, we wave “hello” to the Teacher and Xipi, then we speak about weather, numbers and the emotions. Besides, we had fun moments while we dance and sing the routines songs.

After that, we listen different stories, about colors (red, blue, green, yellow, orange, white and black) and family. Then the Teacher explains the hedgehog family story and about this we were learning the finger family song and then we have made family puppets as well.

-      Do you know about this song?

-      Sing: “Daddy finger, Daddy finger where are you? Here I’m, here I’m. How do you do?...

To the end, in the last activity of this month, we became in a Little scientist doing fantastics experiments. We had a really great time discovering lots of new and interesting things about science.

In this experiment children was seeing how the water changed the colour. For to do this awesome activity we needed: transparent plastic cups with water, teaspooons and lemon and strawberry jelly powders. Once the material was ready the Teacher showed the water to the kids adding a teaspoon of power. At the end Teacher ask: What colour is it now? Is it  yellow? Is it red?.

SORPRISE! Water can change colour!


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