divendres, 26 de novembre del 2021



The children of P3 are learning a lot in English class with Teacher Mariona. We start the lesson with our Daily Routines, in which we speak about the Weather, the days of the week, the numbers and the emotions. This is a really fun activity because we sing and dance with the routines songs.

After that, we listen to Daisy and Robin stories. This week the story was about the family. The Teacher explains the hedgehog’s family story with puppets and then we play games on the PDI.

 We are also learning the finger family song. Do you know about it?

Say: “Daddy finger, Daddy finger where are you? Here I am, here I am. How do you do? ...”

divendres, 19 de novembre del 2021



Aquesta setmana us volem ensenyar com és la nostra hora de dinar i de fer la migdiada.

L’hora de dinar l’agafem amb moltes ganes, ja que estem afamats de tant jugar i treballar durant el matí. Fem un pipí, rentem manetes, posem pitets i amb l‘Encarna, la Conxi i la Mar baixem cap al menjador. Ja ho fem contents i sense plorar, que grans ens estem fent!

Quan ja tenim la panxa plena... és l’hora de dormir. Pugem cap a dalt i ens posem cadascú al llitet on està la nostra manteta, que ens han preparat les nostres monitores. Al principi ens costava més dormir, però ara ja ens relaxem i fem una bona becaina. Que bé!

Mireu, mireu...